‘You’d walk there’… Wayne Rooney admits he would absolutely love to work with £378,000-a-week Man City man

‘You’d walk there’… Wayne Rooney admits he would absolutely love to work with £378,000-a-week Man City man

Redaction Simon Brett with Srinivas Sadhanand
Published on 2024-02-21 13:30:00

Wayne Rooney, former footballer, expressed his desire to work as an assistant manager under the guidance of Pep Guardiola, whom he referred to as “the best manager” in the world.

This comes after Rooney was sacked by Birmingham City after just 15 games and winning only two matches. Despite his current unemployment, Rooney has indicated that he would be open to the opportunity of being the assistant manager for Pep Guardiola.

Rooney’s willingness to work with Guardiola, even if it means managing a rival team, may not sit well with Manchester United fans, given Rooney’s legendary status with the club.

However, the Englishman is keen on honing his management skills, and he sees working with Guardiola as a potentially invaluable learning experience.

“It depends [on if I would ever be an assistant manager], if Pep Guardiola comes in and asks me to be his assistant, you’d walk there”, he said about the prospect of working with the £378,846-a-week tactician on The Overlap’s Stick To Football.

“But you see what [Mikel] Arteta is doing now and I strongly believe a lot of that is from learning what Guardiola was doing and so it depends on what the situation is.”

While the prospect of Rooney working under Guardiola elicits a mixed reaction from fans, the former footballer’s focus on developing as a manager is clear.

His openness to collaborating with Guardiola despite their professional and club rivalries demonstrates his high regard for Guardiola’s coaching abilities. In essence, Rooney’s willingness to work with Guardiola epitomizes the latter’s impactful influence in the management sphere.

As Rooney continues to navigate his career post-retirement, the chance to work alongside a well-respected manager like Guardiola would undoubtedly provide invaluable insights for his future in coaching.

Despite potential controversies and conflicting loyalties, Rooney’s desire to learn from the best in the field is a testament to his dedication to growth and development as a manager.

Read Original article on Manchester City News

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